My Work
Lab Between Spaces
Scientific research has for a long time taken place in silos with vast amounts of knowledge created in very specialised areas by scientists who have highly specialised skillsets. Staying within these silos limits our capacity to answer the existential questions of our time but working in the spaces between them can offer new perspectives on these challenges.
Currently, more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and by 2050, about 70% of the world’s population is expected to live in cities. Living in a city can be demanding and stressful. By exploring the concept of biophilia, we wanted to communicate the importance of viewing nature in our daily lives, especially for urban citizens.
Biophilia (noun)
Exploring the Origins of Language
Language has evolved from simple sounds to communicate information to more complex structured language and now we are able to replicate these sounds with machines. This is part one of the NCCR Evolving Language project animation. At the moment it is still without sound but in the second part of the project I will be adding more information and sound.
Emotions serve an important role in the human experience. They are the driving force behind much of how we feel and what we do in our lives. As we travel into the brain of Prof. Julien Deonna, we explore how emotion helps us respond to the world in appropriate ways and they help us avoid a dangerous collision.
Exploring Emotions (series)
Insectimons - Sand Wasp (series)
This project was conceived during covid-19 quarantine in Spring 2020. The fusion of live action and animation has always interested me and I feel this attempt here is effective. The insects were found in my apartment or balcony and filmed with a 100mm macro lens on a white background. Drawings were made in Illustrator and animated in After Effects. The music is gently pinched from the original Pokemon games on the Gameboy.
What kind of media can we make together?